- Wired mobile robot car for two-motor movement, speakers and mics, connections to microcontroller
- Arranged code for initial basic motor movement independent from sound detection and emission
- Debugged motor code and combined with frequency detection code
- Programmed and tested state machine with motor movement
- Worked on initial state machine design and created diagram
- Wrote code to generate and detect clicks
- Debugged code and wiring to move motors backwards
- Forked website template and structured pages
- Wrote code for the mobile robot to allow the Pico to control two motors
- Programmed movement functions for moving in different directions
- Debugged motor code and tested with frequency detection code with Rochelle
- Programmed and tested state machine code for motor movement with Rochelle
Data Sheets
L9110 H-Bridge Motor Driver
Hobby Gearmotor
Audio Socket
AST-1732MR-R Speaker
RP2040 Sample Code
FFT Algorithm